New Artwork by Sharon McLain

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Snapshots Capture a Moment in Time

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Anonymous said...

WTG Sharon! Great start on your blog here. I was just enquiring about setting up a blog yesterday and was going to try to do it today. Wish me luck!

sharonkay said...

Good luck Kat! Let me know if you get stuck. I got help from my friend lvsbeadsnthings♥

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Sharon! I always have loved your photography and I am thrilled that you are starting a blog - this is a lovely place to show off your collection and inspirations!!


Anonymous said...

You did a wonderful creating your 1st blog :o) How fantastic! Love your shop an adore you!!!

Valerie said...

Your blog is a delight! I love your photos - especially the one of the baby swans!